Friday 23 March 2012

Eat Your Heart out Shakespeare

Okay this is the last poem I post.  It's full of cliches, but I don't bloody care.

 Sonnet to my Greatest Love

Like a seed planted in soil you grew,
Our relationship began, my love for you,
Inside my womb how protective was I
Like a tigress for her cub for you I would die.

At first responsibility for you was hard to bear,
Nightmares came and went, a burden not to share,
Sometimes I worried I would let you down,
Under the ultimate trust would I drown.

But I nurtured you and you grew strong,
With a unique relationship that is lifelong,
Your wings are growing quite soon to fly,
But never forget on me you can rely,
You’ve grown up strong, smart and handsome,
And I’m so glad that I am your mum.

A non-drug fuelled orgy

We were looking at clips of the 70s film, Logan's Run, in a Creative Visions lecture this week.  It showed 'drug fuelled orgies' as being the ideal to keep the masses satisfied.  Someone suggested they'd rather have tea and cake, and it got me thinking - why can't you have tea and cake fuelled orgies?

Oh, look.  Another flippin' poem to press the point home.

Past Times Pastimes
A beautiful time of love and lust
The closest you can get to a human body
Hearts pounding, heavy breathing
Sweat dripping, tongues flicking
Seismic, insatiable, hot
An orgy of love and desire
Until the fire expires
Then a break for tea and ginger cake
Round two, or is it three?

I remember you chiefly, not just for your body
So fine and strong and mine for a while
But I cared for you deeply, with love and affection
A little piece of heaven, so sublime.

For crying out loud - let's save the world...

I don't know why I keep posting poems - my least favourite form of expression

Feelin’ Helpless

We produce so much crap it’s a crime
So much rubbish - a mountain to climb
Millions of tonnes in my lifetime
Can we change our habits?
Do we have time?

Let’s recycle and compost our waste
The problem has got to be faced
If we can’t then we need to be braced
Without change
The human race could be erased

Has it happened, have people awoke?
To the thought that air, it will choke
And that climate change is no longer a joke
If change doesn’t happen
We could all croak.

Get a bin for your plastics and tin
Another for glass, just put it in
We all need to help, let’s weigh in
Change must happen
Or we’re headed for a tailspin.

We can do our best but is it enough?
We can’t help producing more stuff
Cleaning the earth is gonna be tough
Change is the only solution
But what about the pollution?

Along comes that oil giant, BP
Even an environmental army
Can’t clean up the Louisiana sea
Oil doesn’t recognise a boundary
So much for making a change
We’ve treated earth so fuckin’ badly.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Okay, not a rude poem this time...

What’s it all about?
What is the origin of our existence?
Can we answer this question with the help of science?
Or were we cloned by aliens from a far away galaxy?
Like Star Trek, were we made by men who go boldly?
Are we formed from the thought of a God up on high?
Who created women from the rib of some guy.
Or is the sound of creation a little more quantum
Vibrations and sperm all mixed up with ovum?
A lot of people do ponder this question
Still more watch the TV and dream about stardom.
Or paying the bills and feeding the kids
And walking through life with shut eyelids.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

My very first piece

This is a little ditty I wrote, inspired by Kass in year 2 who said it would be okay to have swear words in poems - she wouldn't be offended, it was all about creativity.....

For Fuck Sake

 You gave us permission to swear and to cuss
But doesn’t that show we can’t think, are artless?
If it’s appropriate, yes! But it doesn’t seem right
Oh, OK here goes - bugger, fuck, arse and shite